Pendants, Necklaces and Beads Small Mirror Twist 3.6" x 1.1" $365 Large Mirror twist $395 Two Viruses 3" x 6" $375 Banana bead and drop $275 Spring Bead B (painted) 1.3" x 2" $125 Banana Bead 3.3" x .8" $150 Fancy Bead 3.9" x 1" $200 Large barrel bead $140 Barrel Bead 1.2" x 1.5" $115 Reversible Scribble 3.1" x 3.6" $250 Rust 3.7" x 3.3" $325 Small Mirror Twist 3.6" x 1.1" $365 Bead Chain $750 Beads on Steel Cable $120-$180 Spring Beads A,B,C $75 Stick Pendants $100-$130 Mirror Twist Beads with Sterling $2000 Scribble Pendant B 5.25” $325.